About Lice

What are lice?

Head lice are small insects, without wings, yellow to brown, living exclusively in human hair and feeding on blood. They move using three pairs of legs that allows to hang on to the hair.

An adult reaches the size of 3-4 mm in length.

The female lives between two and three months and produces between 200 and 300 eggs, known as nits, which are small in size and have an oval shape. They adhere strongly to the hair by an adherent substance produced by the female at the time of laying eggs.

The eggs hatch after seven days and the insect matures within 10 days.

When they swallow the blood, the lice inject saliva into the scalp, generating a hypersensitivity reaction, accompanied by itching and severe irritation.

The lice infection can occur in a direct way, for example, from head to head, or indirectly through the exchange of hats, helmets, or the use of comb or bed linen. The lice do not live far from the scalp for more than 2-3 days.

Diagnosis is confirmed by careful examination of the hair, looking for lice or eggs, that are more easily detected. Control is indicated when you have an itching sensation on the scalp or when in collectives (kindergartens, schools) there are pediculosis epidemics.

How widespread is this affection?

Although it's not a taboo subject, many people are cautious about talking openly about it.

Infestation with lice is a very common thing, especially among preschool and school children.

How are lice transmitted?

Anyone who comes in contact with a person who already has lice can get them fast enough. Whether by direct hair contact, or borrowing clothes, hats, helmets, hair brushes or other goods. Girls are generally more prone to pediculosis than boys.

Just because it is extremely easy to spread, it is advisable that the entire family take steps to remove them.

Can pets take or transmit lice?

They do not live in the animal's fur.

Infestation with lice means a poor hygiene?

NO. This has nothing to do with personal hygiene and anyone can "enjoy" the presence of the small, uninvited guests.

What are the signs that should make us worry?

If you have an itchy sensation on the scalp, if you scratch excessively and even cause injuries and feel a local irritability, it is good to check for their presence.

Nits are the lice eggs and they cling on the hair, being a bit more difficult to remove. Spread your hair in small sections and carefully look for lice and nits, using a small comb, especially in the area behind the ears and the back of the neck.

Can I get lice from the pool?

In the water, lice become inert but remain anchored in hair. So they survive shampoos, rains and water in general. There is a risk of lice transmission when you share the towels, the clothes with someone else who already has lice.

Where do lice come from?

These resistant parasites have always existed, traces of lice and nits where found even on the scalp and hair of Egyptian mummies.

My child was infected with lice. Should I treat myself preventively?

Although the chances are big enough for the whole family to have problems, check once every two days if everything is OK and only after their presence is confirmed you can take action.

Do not forget that in order to remove their eggs from the bedding, towels should use the Lice Repellent Spray for Surfaces.

How do I prevent reinfestation?

In general, it is recommended that your hair does not come in contact with other people’s hair, and if you have long hair it is best to keep it tight in a bun or ponytail. Also, avoid borrowing hats, helmets. 50% of people take lice from other family members. So be vigilant if someone has characteristic symptoms and take action!

Do you have to clean the entire house?

They don’t have anything to feed on if they don’t live in the hair, but it is good to use repellent products such as LICE REPPELENT SPRAY FOR SURFACES to prevent possible spread or reinfestation. Washing clothes and bedding at high temperatures is recommended.

How long do lice live?

The lice can live up to 35 days in the hair, but in another environment they can survive without food (the scalp blood) less than 24 hours. They hatch in 7-10 days and it takes another 10 days for it to mature and lay eggs.

About Mosquitoes and Ticks

Why are mosquitoes dangerous?

Hematopoietic insects are dangerous because they are vectors in the transmission of pathogenic bacteria or viruses.

There are over 3,000 mosquito species worldwide, but only a few hundred are medically important. Mosquitoes that can spread diseases are part of certain species. For example, the West-Nile virus and the Saint Louis encephalitis virus (two of the greatest public health threats) come from the Culex mosquitoes. However, this does not mean that only Culex mosquitoes are capable of transmitting viruses. Until now, it has only occurred that these species are responsible for epidemics.

Why are ticks dangerous?

Ticks are part of the arachnids class, related to spiders and are parasites, feeding on the parasitic organism. Their dimensions may vary, depending on the amount of blood ingested, from the gamma of a needle up to a few millimeters. The color also varies from different shades of brown to red-brown and black.

They can be taken by humans from various animals (dogs, cats), but also from grass. They are most commonly encountered in spring and summer, but the ticks can adapt even when temperatures drop below 0 degrees Celsius, while high temperatures can accelerate their development.

Once they are settled on the body, the ticks tend to migrate to the axillary, groin or hair area. Being in a good place, it introduces the head under the skin and begins to feed on the hosts blood.

Where do ticks live?

They are especially found in areas with high humidity, such as forests, fields, high grass, where they wait for host animals to feed on their blood. The most common species is Ricinus Ixodes.

Can ticks transmit diseases?

YES. Ticks can transmit severe diseases such as Summer Meningo-Encephalitis (FSME) and Lyme Borreliosis. A single sting is sufficient for these diseases to be transmitted to humans if the tick is infected with such a pathogen.

What are the symptoms that should I worry about?

Possible symptoms of tick-borne diseases are:

  • Red spots/pricks around the bite
  • Roughness of the neck
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Weakness sensation
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Fever
  • Lymph nodes

When are ticks very active?

Ticks love warm weather, so they become active at temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius in the spring-autumn range.

How can I protect myself from mosquitoes bites and ticks?

Being warm outside, you cannot always wear long-sleeved clothing or protective trousers. That's why we come up with an innovative solution: MOSQUITOES & TICKS REPELLENT SPRAY and ROLL ON, both of the SantaDerm Parasites range, extremely efficient.

  • They contain 100% natural active ingredients
  • The results are clinically proven
  • They have high efficiency for up to 8 hours

However, if you have been bitten by insects, you can use the CALMING GEL FOR INSECT BITES to help calm skin irritation quickly. In addition, it does not contain preservatives and can also be used by children over the age of 3.

How can I remove a tick?

Carefully use a tweezer as close as possible to its head or insertion point. The sooner you take it out, the lower the risk of getting sick. You do not have to crush their body because the stomach contents can be poured through the bite.